Reseller Hosting Description
There are lots of ways of gaining cash on the web and one of them is to sell the shared hosting services provided by a specific web hosting plans provider. This presents boundless options for everybody who wishes to earn more profit. There are different types of reseller hosting solutions, based on the web hosting reseller's level of involvement and, of course, on the hosting corporation that provides the service. Prior to looking into that, let's first discuss
What is a reseller hosting solution?
A reseller hosting solution is a type of web hosting account, which allows the user to create separate subaccounts that can be resold to various clients. This is generally carried out by bestowing the user with access to a main reseller hosting account, via which he can create separate hosting accounts utilizing the server disk drive space provided by the reseller hosting package, for which he pays a given tax. This is a lot like the shared hosting solution and precisely like it, with most reseller hosting programs, lots of reseller hosting accounts share one and the very same server and are not supplied with complete root-level access to the web server configuration files. Such web hosting reseller programs are generally not that expensive. Still, they do bar the resellers from offering other types of web hosting services aside from shared hosting plans.
Various forms of reseller hosting solutions
Apart from the already mentioned method of reseller hosting packages, there are also several different ways that work just as fine. However, they vary with respect to the degrees of involvement and the amount of funds that each of them entails. As mentioned, the most common way of reselling web hosting services offers you limited alternatives and you risk losing your money if things go wrong. Because of this reason, larger hosting companies like provide alternative ways of selling web hosting packages without having to purchase anything upfront, or to even get involved in the provision of technical and billing support. With their program, the hosting reseller subscribes for free and specifies his very own personal retail prices for the hosting accounts, which are being sold directly from his online store. As billing transactions are handled by's team, the user does not need to buy the hosting service in advance. He's just going to obtain the difference between the retail price and the wholesale price in the form of a commission. The reseller also has the opportunity to offer web hosting solutions such as VPS hosting, semi-dedicated hosting and dedicated hosting. More or less, his job entails promoting the hosting service and providing support to the end users and with web hosting firms that do not request preliminary deposits and take care of the invoicing and technical support provision, the only task left for the hosting reseller will be to popularize his private brand's web store. Another alternative will be to create separate accounts on a private virtual server, or on a dedicated web hosting server. With most hosting distributors, you may receive those 2 hosting services with a cPanel, DirectAdmin, or another web hosting CP, already installed on them. That will enable you to set up different shared web hosting accounts and exercise total control over both the clients and the hosting server itself. Additionally, on a dedicated server, you may create separate virtual private web server accounts and offer them to your customers. One single dedicated hosting server may keep thousands of private virtual server accounts, depending on the server's configuration. This will allow you to deliver a bigger assortment of web hosting solutions to your customers, which will furnish you with more options when advertising your online store. Of course, using a virtual private hosting server or a dedicated web server for reseller hosting goals is much more costly than utilizing an ordinary reseller hosting account. Hence, this option should be examined only if the hosting reseller has enough understanding and experience required to manage a web hosting server, otherwise it's recommended to either sign up for an ordinary reseller hosting program, or for the abovementioned Free Reseller Program courtesy of, which requests less involvement from the web hosting reseller.